
(Online Live)【Introduction to effective online teaching and learning】April 15th, 2020 (Wed.) 12:00-13:00

Lecturer :Salcedo Daniel, MD, MHPE
Topic :Introduction to effective online teaching and learning
Date and Time :April 15th, 2020 (Wed.) 12:00-13:00
Venue :Online Live(Zoom)

Session Objectives:

1.Review the basic principles of effective online learning
2.Analyze different types of online delivery methods
3.Understand different assessment strategies for online learning
4.Discuss common challenges encountered in online teaching and learning
The following interactive webinar is designed to provide faculty an understanding of the basics of effective online learning and discuss some of the common challenges faced when switching from face-to-face to remote online teaching.
This webinar will consist of an initial review of concepts followed by an interactive discussion of common challenges encountered by faculty when transforming courses to online format. 
To facilitate your participation in this activity, make sure to have a webcam and microphone. To facilitate interaction the use of headphones or a headset is highly recommended.
If you have any particular topic of interest you would like to see included in the webinar, please contact via email:
Daniel Salcedo, MD, MHPE
●講者:Salcedo Daniel, MD, MHPE
●直播時間:109/04/15(三)12:00-13:00(手機請先下載Google meet,ios系統請下載Hangouts Meet)


●若未參與直播,可於直播後至【TMU Podcast 雲端展演廳】觀看
