


Since 2013 Fall Semester, graduate students are required to complete Research Ethics course once before graduation.


Since 2017 Spring Semester, students who enrolled Research Ethics course need to take AREE online courses. The account will be activated by Curriculum Section after the period for Course Selection List Confirmation & Final Corrections.



Q&A for Center for Taiwan Academic Research Ethics Education, AREE


For Mandatory students




While logging in, please select “Mandatory Student", then select the university (Taipei City/Taipei Medical University), the account would be your student ID, and the default password would be the last five digits of your student ID. After successfully logging in, be sure to set a new password.



◎必修18個課程單元,6小時(105學年度以前: 15單元 5小時)。

18 units Required, total for 6 hours.




There are 5 times for final exam per day, and 12:00 midnight will be recalculated.




There are two times allowed to change the language version of this Program.

Once you change the version, “all" the records, grades, certificates in the original version will be deleted.

Therefore, be sure the version of the Program before you take any course of the Program.




Correct ration of final exam needs to be 85% and above to complete all units. You can go to 【Portfolio】to download your certificate and also you can review the courses.




Each instructor will have the deadlines to finish 18 units and pass through the final exam.




Within 3 years, you can send your certificate to instructor or Curriculum Section to check its accuracy. After that, you don’t have to take units again.




Without “Mandatory Student” account, you can still sign up for an “Registrant” account and add units by yourself.




After passing the final exam, if you’d like to read other courses, please transfer your status from “Mandatory student” to “Registrant”.  Please follow the instruction of “Registrant” after you successfully finished the process.



詳情請洽人體研究處Office of Human Research, Taipei Medical University - FAQ (tmu.edu.tw)

Taiwan Academic Research Ethics Education (AREE) have some e-learning English courses about research ethics. Since ”Academic research ethics” is not as same as “human research ethics”, Office of Human Research list some courses (highlight in yellow) which can count as IRB certificates. And there are some courses with a red checkmark is providing the English version. Please consult with Office of Human Research.



NIDA,   TRREE,詳情請洽人體研究處

For English IRB course resources:  NIDA,  TRREE https://elearning.trree.org/    Please consult with Office of Human Resaerch.
Provide all English courses. Since there is a commercial contract between TRREE and HuSPAT (https://huspat.org/) in Taiwan. Please contact HuSPAT to arrange an exam on their site, to obtain an official certificate with an hour show on it.

