
◆【活動日期】113.05.06 (Mon.)
◆【活動地點】臺北醫學大學信義校區 8005教室 Classroom 8005 (Xinyi Campus)

◆【報名時間】即日起至113年05月03日 中午12:00截止
                      (Registration Time: From now on until May 3rd, 2024 (12pm)

報名連結(registration link):報名請點我(Click Here)

歡迎參加過2/24(六) EMI助教密集培訓工作坊的同學,和其他TA一起分享EMI跟課的酸甜苦辣!



Q: 沒有EMI跟課經驗怎麼辦?

A: 沒問題!本次交流討論會有提供餐點,歡迎同學一起來聽其他TA的分享。另外,活動中將針對校級EMI TA遴選進行說明。還在等什麼?心動不如馬上行動!


If you have joined the EMI Teaching Assistant Training Workshop on February 24th this year, we would like to invite you to the EMI Teaching Assistant Sharing Session!


The Bilingual Education Center will provide a gift of NT$500 for those who share their experience in serving as EMI teaching assistants. Each EMI teaching assistant are allowed to give a 5-minute talk, in Chinese and English are both fine! 


Please be noted:

1. Only 6 EMI teaching assistants are able to give a 5-minute talk.

2. Enrollment is on a first-come-first-served basis. 

3. Lunch box will be provided.



聯絡人:雙語中心 陳小姐 (Email: leslie5528@tmu.edu.tw)

Contact: Leslie Chen, Bilingual Education Promotion Center (Email: leslie5528@tmu.edu.tw)